We are going to have another big yard sale in October. I have asked people at church and hope to ask as many people as possible if they have anything they are willing to donate. If any of you bloggers have items please let me know!!! We received a letter back from one of our grants that they have sent the questionnaires to our references. Hopefully they will get them in the mail quickly. I am keeping my fingers crossed and that we get it.
Kaleb has been extra spunky lately. Wed. night we went to church and pretty much were there just 20 minutes. He threw himself in the floor for no apparent reason and had a tantrum. He was fine 1 minute and the next he was having a major breakdown. It is so hard when there are other people around. Needless to say I couldn't help him calm down so we said goodbye and went home. He has also been getting up in the middle of the night screaming. He has been working on his last 4 molars so that might have something to do with all of this. Who knows. All I know is that it wears me out. But it is still all worth it!!!
On the adoption front the 10 copies of our profile are scheduled to get to the agency today. We are still waiting on the last 2 documents, but I am TRYING to be patient. We are so close to being birth parent ready!!! It is amazing how quickly this has gone. It is my prayer and continued prayer that the b/m knows exactly what she is doing and that we have no hurdles with this. I know in my heart that we are going to have a little girl and that she has been conceived. The Lord has brought us to this point and He will see us through!!!! Have a great day!!!!
One more thing. Tim is really enjoying his new job. He gets home later at night but at least he is doing what he went to school 7 years to do. If he is happy then we are all happy!!!
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