These pix are totally out of the order I had planned for them, but you get the gist. 1 year ago I was panicking b/c we had just moved into our house and nothing was ready for Kamden. I received the call around 10a.m. that she was at the hospital and in labor. I had a huge anxiety attack which freaked my MIL out. Tim was trying to get everything at work ready for his departure, so getting the packing done was up to me. Basically we just threw anything and everything into the van and finally around 4p.m. took off for an 18 hour drive to Texas. I stayed awake the whole time so that I could keep the driver awake. So when we got there I was a bit delirious. At 4:43p.m. on 7-24-08 Kamden was born. It was so cool to talk to Pauline and hear him. Our first meeting was when he was 1 day old, and we haven't left his side since. He has blessed our family in so many ways. Kaleb loves him most of the time. You know how sibling rivalry is????!!!!
As I think back on our years of infertility and now sterility it was a difficult time, but we are so blessed to have gone through that and to have these precious boys as our sons. It is so easy to forget that I didn't give birth to them. Kaleb is so much like me it is crazy, and Kamden is still working on his personality. He is quite the character though! Happy Birthday to the bean. We love you as high as the sky and as deep as the ocean. You make us smile and laugh. You and your brother are much more than what we could have ever dreamed or imagined. We love you!!!!