Friday, April 24, 2009

Kamden is 9 months old

After bath and getting ready for bed.
Loving the outdoors and the beautiful weather!

Having fun in the church nursery!!

I can't believe that my little baby is now 9 months old and crawling. Time goes by way too fast!!! We love you Kamden so much!! It seems like forever ago when I got the call that you would soon be here. Then we frantically got everything together and jumped in the van for a LONG ride to Texas. You and your big brother Kaleb mean the world to us and we love you as high as the sky and as deep as the ocean!!!!! Momma & Papa Daddy

Happy Friday everyone!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Kaleb being his silly self and coming right up to the camera!!
The boys all decked out in their Guatemalan outfits!!!

Brotherly Love!!!

Discovering new things

Easter Sunday, Kamden is wearing the outfit that Kaleb wore when he was 2!!! He is such a chunk!!!

Me and the bean; this is Kamden's nickname

Easter goodies: he would love his new set of spoons

Kaleb very excited to get a new train

Eating jelly beans as fast as he could find them

Excited to have his egg

We had a great Easter spent with family. The greatest part was celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We are so blessed to be the mom and dad to these 2 precious boys. They mean the world to us!!! Happy Monday everyone and have a blessed week!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday Update

I hope that you all are having a great week. The weather around here has been quite yucky, but that is to be expected with all the spring showers. I am hoping to be done with doctors very soon!!! The latest test was the tilt table test. It was not fun and I did pass out after they gave me nitroglycerin. The tech along with the Dr. told me that I am classic neurocardiogenic syncope. Basically when you are "normal" your brain will send neuro transmittors to your heart telling it to pump blood here and there so that you don't get dizzy. Well my brain doesn't fire neuro transmittors like it should. Basically the blood pools in my legs and causes me to get dizzy, my heart to beat iradically sp?, and my breathing to escalate. I am going to the endocrinologist tomorrow as before I can be put on any meds my Calcium and Vitamin D levels need to be taken care of. After that I will see a cardiologist and hopefully I will be rid of doctors for awhile. This has been a long road, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Please continue to pray that they won't find any other issues. I am waiting to hear if I have Addison's Disease and should know by the end of this week. Sorry to have been such a slacker in the blog dept., but this wears me out and I haven't been able to get very much accomplished around here. But as the saying goes it could always be so much worse. I am thankful to have so many of you praying for me. The Lord has so richly blessed me!!! The kids are great and we had an amazing Easter with family. I have tons of pictures that I hope to download today or tomorrow. The greatest thing was Kaleb being able to tell me why we celebrate Easter. Children are so amazing and there childlike faith is what we should all strive for. Have a blessed Wednesday, and get out there and celebrate our risen Saviour!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

FFF "Beach"

Our last beach trip was summer 2007 b/c last summer we were in Texas for the birth of this little one. I can't believe that he is 8 months old. Time has flown by way too quickly. This summer he will be almost 1 when we head to Florida for a much needed vacation. I can't wait to see his reaction. Kamden is sitting up really well and babbling up a storm. His favorite words are mama, dada, bubba, baba. And this little one loves to eat!!!
At the harbor behind the Fisherman's Wharf restaurant in Destin, FL. MMMMM seafood sounds so good!!! Kaleb loved all the boats. Kamden will be wearing that outfit this summer.

Just look at how little Kaleb was. I love his tan. Hispanic children are so beautiful and we have 2!

Enjoying being outside and building sandcastles. He is getting a bit hot here.

Time for a water break. That FL sun will wear you out!!
I hope that everyone has had a good week. I had a tilt table test done yesterday to confirm the neurocardiogenic syncope. It was not fun, but hopefully very soon I will be on the meds that will help things out. My body has not felt the greatest lately, but I know that soon things will be back to "normal." Have a great weekend everyone!!! God Bless!!